Hey there!

I am Karthikeyan. I am a self-taught developer and I have been programming professionally since 2014. I write Python for food and fun at day. Outside of work, I am a CPython core triager and write a little bit of Clojure. In terms of food, I love dosa, koala biryani (Thalapakati) and plain Vanilla (Not vanilla JavaScript though :). I Reddit a lot. I occassionally read books with stoicism, (auto)?biographies and short novels being my picks. This blog started about programming and then turned about to be a personal blog about my mistakes and opinions. I mostly write here in an open manner so that I can look back at my life about both progress and mistakes. So you might find some posts interesting and others depressing. I also write poems with puns and draw comics

Flavour of music for code :

  • Linkin Park
  • Eminem
  • A.R. Rahman

You can reach out to me at below and I will get back to you for sure!

Email : tir.karthi@gmail.com


“You got to find what you love.. And like any great relationship it just gets better and better as the years roll on” - Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement

Oh yes! I do have a life!

Not a great designer by the way the whole blog is possible due to the work of Jekyll.

Disclaimer : The content on the blog are views on my own and doesn’t represent the views of my employer current, past and future. It also doesn’t represent views about any particular person unless otherwise specified.